"Go to Market" Purpose
Create vehicles that gain Partner resources and/or shift costs to Partners encased in a program that allows them to operate it profitably within their models' micro-economy.

What is a Partner? More>  

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Welcome to Rohner & Associates

Rohner & Associates delivers unique direct and indirect channel solutions that allow our customers to execute their sales strategy with confidence. Collectively, global and U.S.-based clients have seen billions in revenue growth, which can be attributed to the firm’s strategies and recommendations.


Channel Revenue Services

go to Channel Services for details

Rohner & Associates is Silicon Valley’s premier resource for companies seeking to improve their top-line revenue results and develop more effective customer and channel coverage models. 

By improving a client’s direct and indirect portfolio of channels, the firm delivers improved performance and provides quantified, simulated proof of those results.

Rohner & Associates delivers to client’s recommendations targeted at key sales pressure points with modeled results:

Scaling the Market Opportunity

- Meeting revenue goals and objectives
- Increased market and channel share

Increased and Improved Productivity

- Channel Portfolio Growth and Mix
- Shortened Sales Cycles
- Improved Partner Satisfaction

Growth in “Ecology” and Economies

- Improved Partner Profitability
- Greater Partner Influence